Final Newsletter 2024
Principal's Message Tena koutou katoa, All glory be to God! We made it! Praise the Lord! We have all crossed the finish line standing tall. Term four has been filled with numerous milestones and events. The final term; consisted of our successful Market Day which led on to the individual Christmas class parties and excursions. A well deserved treat [...]
Welcome to Rise UP Academy School
Kia ora, Malo e Lelei, Talofa Lava, Fakaalofa Lahi Atu, Kia Orana, Ni Sa Bula Vinaka
Our school was founded in 2014 by the Rise UP Trust, a South Auckland not for profit
organisation. The Rise UP Academy transitioned to a Designated Character School in 2019.
Our special character consists of:
- A Hearts and Minds based Inquiry Learning model, which reflects Maori and Pasifika values.
- Culturally responsive Whanau mentoring programmes.
When you enrol your child, we enrol your whanau.
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