Principal’s Message
Malo e lelei,
It is time to land the RUA waka for term two and enjoy the fruits of our labour. The students and staff have worked hard to keep healthy and strong, finish their Inquiry projects, mid year assessments and reports – now we all can look forward to a good break and catch up with all the whanau, friends, dental appointments and everything else on the school holidays calendar.
Thank you to the Komiti Tupu mai and parents who joined the Zoom to review and discuss our Health Curriculum Statement. We appreciate your feedback and are continuing the work to review our School local curriculum.
Principals Awards
Congratulations to the following students for demonstrating SHARP MINDS, STRONG BODIES AND GOOD HEARTS over the term.
Ekamjeet SINGH
Ephesians FANUELI
Mark’Angelo MAREKO
Gideon FE’AO
The Board of Trustees and staff continue to work on our Strategic plan goals:
Goal 1: Complete the transition from Partnership school to a Designated Character school.
Goal 2: Achieve sustained roll growth and plan for a new school location by 2024.
Goal 3: Enhance Leadership and Teaching practice.
Goal 4: Implement sustainability plans for whanau engagement Strategy.
Representatives from our School Board attended the New Zealand School Trustees Association this term and continue to lead and govern our school well. Our 2020 Annual report is available and will be posted on our website very soon.
Have a restful holiday break with our children, keep warm and well.
God’s best blessings,
Sita Selupe MNZM
The Calendar
Recent Events
Beautification Inquiry Presentation
Over the last two terms the students were posed with a Scenario ‘Rise UP is in need of some beautification showcasing who we are’. The students were able to unpack the scenario and look at how they could beautify our school. Praise the Lord the weather held off and our students were able to share their Beautification Projects with their whanau. Thank you to all our whanau who came and witnessed all of the students ‘ inquiry projects. Please see the pictures of how our students beautified our school showcasing who we are.
Inspirational Young Pacific Entrepreneurs; Sarah Colcord & Lynne Vatau
In term 2 we were blessed to have Sarah Colcord and Lynne Vatau who are young business owners come to Rise UP and share their learnings about creating their own businesses.
Sarah Colcord started the ‘New Zealand Made Products’ Facebook page after she found it hard to promote her own business, and it quickly grew to half a million fans. The Facebook page started to help small businesses during Covid has blossomed into a brand new online shopping platform.
Lynne Vatau says Fale De Keke and its humble beginnings started as just a hobby in her family home kitchen as she juggled University but quickly turned to become a thriving small business, thanks to the power of word of mouth. She now works there with her mum, sisters and family members.
They shared with our children about how they made their dream a reality by while they were studying they discovered what they enjoyed doing and Lynne’s example was baking and just believing in themselves and then working hard to make it a reality. Working hard means not giving up even when you make mistakes and it gets hard you must continue, it’s worth it.
Our children gained some insight and were inspired to follow their dreams and to pursue the aspirations of creating their own business. These young ladies are wonderful role models of Pacific people who look and sound like our children living their best life.
We were also given treats by Lynne who baked cupcakes for our whole school – YUMMMM! So nect time you’re in Takanini pop in and visit Lynne and let her know you’re from Rise UP.
- Lynne Vatau
- Sarah Colcord
- Fale De Keke shop -Lynne (far left)
- Cupcakes for our children
- Moorish goodness
- Scrumdidliumcious
- Cupcakes for the staff
Front Foot
We have selected a team of students to represent our school in a Front Foot apps development challenge. This challenge is under the umbrella of Project WY. Our team is made up of 3 Year 6 students and 3 Year 7 students. They have already started to work with their mentor and coach Steve Ahotaha who will guide them through the stages to develop their ideas while learning this process of how an app is developed. Schools will enter their proposals and they will be critiqued by a selected panel and choose teams that will go on to the next stage. So watch this space because our team has come up with some great ideas!! Congratulations to Nevaeh Letiu, Rettamae Martin, Eden Pasene, Gideon Fe’ao, Jacob Lilo Tua-Akatea, and Davidsson Otto for representing us!
We are so grateful that opportunities like this come along for our students to experience and broaden their horizons!
RUA Girls Hockey Team
2021 has been a year of many firsts! Rise Up entered their very first Hockey team into the Southern Zone Tournament. This took place at the infamous Lloyd Elsmore Park in Pakuranga.
Our dedicated coaches Mrs Cecelia Macgregor and Mr C – Corey Rasmussen had a committed team of 10 girls selected from our Year 4 to Year 6 classes. They showed a willingness to learn a new sport and skill set which involved a hockey stick, hockey ball, mouth guard and shin pads! Quite different from the norm.
The determination and RUA spirit was evident on the day! Our girls grew in confidence with every game and gained a better understanding and appreciation as the day progressed. Even though they did not place in the top four. It was an amazing experience for them all.
Thank you once again to Cecelia, Corey and Mrs Muller on the day; as well as a loyal parent supporters.
SUPA – Mid year showing
Thank you parents for coming out to support our children on Wednesday 30th June. We had a great turn out and had to move to the Bader Hall due to numbers. Our children performed exceptionally well and produced a short and sweet showcase. If you missed this showing be sure to make the end of year showcase as it is our End of Year Showcase in term 4. Please allow your child to attend every Wednesday SUPA module to ensure they get to take part in the modules offered; drama, dances, guitar and choir.
Whanau Notices
Parent Partnership Meeting – Friday 6th August (TOD)
We have our Parent partnership meetings in the 2nd week of term 3, Friday 6th August- this is a Teachers Only Day. Last week, apart from Room 2 each student should have taken their report home and also a letter to book in a time for a meeting with their teacher. It is important that your child attends this meeting with you. If you have any questions regarding this meeting please make contact with your child’s classroom teacher however if you wish to book in a time please send the form in with your child on the first day of term3 or you can email [email protected] and we will do our best to give you your requested time. Please note it is first come first served.
Good To Go Volunteer Arm
Thank you to ALL our parent volunteers this term who helped out with the children’s class projects throughout their INQUIRY LEARNING. We had such a great turn out of dads and the children were very grateful for all the hand’s on experience they gained. Thank you for your service not only to the school but our children too. Malo aupito. We also celebrated National Volunteer Week and had a lovely assembly to honour all our parent volunteers from Terms 1 & 2 followed by a lovely lunch prepared by 275Kai – ‘Support your local’
We have some Sports events for our students coming up in term 3 such as soccer, rugby league and basketball so please, we welcome your expertise as coaches, managers, cheer squad and water boy/girl. Please let Ms Grace know if you are interested.
Hearts and Minds
It’s been a great learning journey so far for our 14 participants in our Hearts & Minds programme. Parents thank you for your commitment and willingness to apply the tools at home. We will carry on with our last three workshops after the holidays. Thank you to our Cath & Andrew, Laura & Mike for taking the time to be our parent guest speakers.
- Cath & Andrew Letiu
- Whanau Activity
- The Dads
We are starting our Synergy programme in Term 3 Wednesday 25th August. We will be getting in touch with families who have yet to participate in this programme.
Family Connect
Kevin Pasene will be delivering the Family Connect programme in which you will learn ICT skills as well as purchasing a Chromebook for $60.
● If the students are aged from 16 years – 60 years old. All students must pass NZQA criteria
● All CHROMEBOOKS must be paid first by the 1st class-$60
● Classes will be zoomed with the exception of the 1st class which will be face to face
● Students must have a GMail account
● Students must have access to a mobile phone on the 1st class – incase we need to create a GMail account for them
● Classes are 10am – 12pm during the day, 10 minute break at 11am
● Students are expected to complete homework
Identification Requirements
Sight an original or certified copy of one or more of the following documents:
● (i) a New Zealand birth certificate; or
● (ii) a New Zealand passport; or
● (iii) a New Zealand certificate of citizenship; or
● (d) if a learner is unable to obtain a birth certificate for the purposes of (c)(i) above, you may contact us to confirm whether a whakapapa statement signed by both the learner and a kaumātua is acceptable evidence of citizenship.
Afterschool Programme
Reminder in Term 3 – The After School Programme starts WEEK 2 of Term 3 (Monday 2nd August) and runs for 8 weeks
Mondays – Culture & Heritage at Rise UP Academy, 4.30pm pick up
Tuesdays – Sports at Allan Brewster, 4.30pm pick up
Wednesdays – SUPA performing arts at Sir Douglas Bader Intermediate, 4.30pm pick up
Please contact Grace 02108855876 if you have any questions.
Winter Uniform

RUA students in school uniform
Our RUA Winter uniform is the same as the summer one except your children have the option to wear long PLAIN BLACK pants or tracks for terms 2 & 3 only. We have noticed that there are quite a few students starting to wear non-school uniform jerseys of all sorts of colours. We ask that if your child does not have a school jersey (size 6 – 14 = $48 and Sml – Large =$52) then please dress them in a PLAIN BLACK jersey – no hoodie.
Jewellery: the only jewellery students should be wearing to school are simple studs. If they wear hoops or dangly earrings to school and it gets caught on another child’s school jersey or school bag while playing then they may tear their ear. Please advise your children to wear the correct jewellery.
Head lice is common in children at any school. We have had a couple of students present themselves with headlice last term and have had the treatment. If your child has headlice please be sure to treat them at home before they return to school.
Rise UP will be open: This THURSDAY 15th July from 9.00am – 11.00am for anyone needing the free nit treatment. If you are coming in during this time please contact Mrs Laura 092768727 or text 0224194988.
Sick Children
We have seen more than our usual absences in term 2 due to the winter blues, cold blasts and very quick changes in temperature.
We graciously ask that if your child has flu like symptoms such as:
• sneezing
• coughing
• runny nose
• sore throat
• respiratory issues
that they please seek medical treatment or visit your GP and if they can get a COVID test. Our nation is doing well with keeping the pandemic at bay however we all have a small part to play by keeping our whanau well and if they do get sick, seek treatment immediately.
*Please note that if your child is away from school for 3 consecutive days they will be required to provide a medical certificate.
2022 Enrolments
If you have any children or family/friends whose children are wanting to enrol their children into Rise UP Academy please encourage them to come into school to pick up an enrolment form from the school office in Term 3.
Whanau devotions:
Devotion topic:
Scripture for the term:
Galatians 5: 22 But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!
Scripture for the week:
For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. [1 Timothy 1:7]
Specific Learning Intention:
We are learning to show self-control over our emotions.
Success Criteria:
● I can breathe in and out and have time out.
● I can think before I act.
Prayer requests:
● Protection for our staff and Rise Up families over the school holidays.
● Health & Well-being for all staff & whanau
● RTLB referrals,
● continued partnership with parents,
● sustainability plans & God’s continued favour.
Praise be to God for answered prayer