Principal’s Message
Kia orana koutou,
Praise God for a GREAT start to the term. Our students are enjoying the new playground and this has changed the flow and dynamics during the breaks….a moving mind is a learning mind.The theme for Cook Island language week ‘Epetoma o te reo Maori Kuki Airani’ Atuitui’ia au ki te Oneone o toku Ui Tupuna-Connect me to the soil of my ancestors.
The Greyfriars Church have been supporting and praying for Rise UP for a few years now as friends of the Duncan and Letiu whanau. We were blessed to be invited to Greyfriars Church-Epsom & Mt Eden on Sunday 1st August to share the Rise UP journey and to thank them for all their support.
- Mt Eden Chapel Service
- Epsom Cafe Service
- RUA Whanau at Greyfriars Church
Food Tech: Our Year 7 & 8 students attended the 2021 Food Show to explore new technology and taste a variety of cuisine to help us plan our Term 3 Food Tech programme.
Principals Awards:
Chapman Matamu- Sharp Mind- for enthusiasm in reading for enjoyment
Lazarys Sofele-Sinisa-Good Heart- for following the new school rules and keeping himself safe
Annual Goals update
Goal 1: Complete the transition from Partnership school to a Designated Character school.
Goal 2: Achieve sustained roll growth and plan for a new school location by 2024.
Goal 3: Enhance Leadership and Teaching practice.
Goal 4: Implement sustainability plans for whanau engagement Strategy.
Goal 2: Achieve sustained roll growth and plan for a new school location by 2024.
We have been working with local Early Childhood centres to develop transition pathways for new enrolments as we steadily grow our roll. Please continue to let your friends and whanau know about our school vision. Enrolments for 2021 will be closing in mid November to help us plan for the year ahead.
We continue to await upon the Ministry of Education for further updates on our permanent site location. Thank you for your continued prayers.
Gods best blessings,
Sita Selupe MNZM
The Calendar
Recent Events
Our Brand New Playground
On the first day of Term three, there were gleaming smiles on the faces of our junior school!
Our ecstatic children were blessed with a vibrant adventurous playground; co constructed by Playground People Ltd and our multi-talented dads. A huge thank you to Mr Saia Selupe, Mr Mike Fe’ao, Mr Andrew Letiu and the Group Supervisor Mr Phil Macgregor who worked through heavy rain to install the square boxing around the playground.
Their excitement levels were difficult to contain during our blessing. We prayed together with Mrs Selupe and then after careful collaboration with Room 4; Mrs Faga shared some of the 10 Commandments for our School Playground.
We are very grateful for Mrs Selupe and the amazing team Mrs Laura, Ms Mary-Ellen and our beloved Ms Elena for organizing and blessing our Rise Up Junior School with an amazing playground.
Here are some pictures of the installation, the blessing and the playtime on the playground.
- Working in the rain
“In all things give thanks…” 1Thessalonians 5:18
Parent Partnership Meeting
Thank you to all our parents who attended their child’s interview. The weather wasn’t too great but we greatly appreciate you for persevering through the cold to attend your child’s PPM . These PPM Meetings are very important for us to ensure parents are aware of their child’s learning and looking at ways to help further support their learning with you at home. If you were unable to attend the meeting please arrange another time with your child’s classroom teacher.
We had a total of 69/76 children who were scheduled and attended for their PPM and that was a percentage of 91% overall. AWESOME WORK RUA WHANAU.
- Face to Face PPM
- Singh Whanau
- Jasmine & sister Jacqueline
- Teaurere Whanau
- Muelu Whanau
Cook Island Language Week
Epetoma o te reo Maori Kuki Airani.
Thank you to Mama Tukua & Mama Ati for the time given to share the talents with our kids. What a blessing for our children to learn about some of the craft making such as making wrist bands and ei’s. Well done to our students who shared the Cook Island Haka and Dances. Thank you teachers for your awesome Cook Island hula moves at our assembly but I gotta say Beckham from Room 4 stole the show! Meitaki Maata
Last term our Year 6 girls were privileged to be able to do some embroidery with some of our Kuki Mama’s at the Mangere Arts Centre. Our Year 7 students were given the opportunity to do some art work with our Mama’s also at the Arts Centre.
Rise UP Trust AGM
This Thursday 12th August we will be holding our Annual General Meeting. Please see the flyer for more information and RSVP immediately.
Hearts and Minds
We are almost at the end of our Hearts & Minds workshops. Personalities was the hot topic of discussion last week, so keep up the great work whanau!
We first must know ourselves, before we can understand or help others. Florence Littauer
Understanding each other’s personality styles will help solve conflicts and communicate better.
Synergy Programme
We are starting our Synergy programme in Term 3 Wednesday 25th August. If you would like to register for the programme, please let us know.

Synergy Poster
Family Connect Programme
If your child is unwell please keep them at home. We have had a few children out since the beginning of term 3 with tummy bugs, coughs and colds so please ensure your child is wrapped up warm for school. If your child does not have a Rise UP school jersey they may wear a PLAIN BLACK jersey to school.
If your child has these symptoms it is important that they get seen by a Doctor:
• New/worsening cough
• Fever
• Shortness of breath
• Sore throat
• Sneezing and runny nose
• Temporary loss of smell
If your child is away for 1 or 2 consecutive days we just need to be advised via phone call/text or email however if they are away 3 consecutive days they must
provide a medical certificate. If they have been tested for COVID-19 please keep them at home until they have received their test results back—negative.
Scripture for the term:
Luke 10: 27
He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
Scripture for the week:
Exodus 20: 3 You shall have no other gods before me.
Specific Learning Intention:
We are learning to show self-control over our emotions.
Success Criteria:
Love God more than anything else
Put God first
Glorify God in what we do
Prayer requests:
– Health & Well-being for all staff & whanau
– Curriculum planning Term 3
– Continued partnership with parents,
– Sustainability plans & God’s continued favour.