Principal’s Message
Kia orana koutou katoatoa,
Praise the Lord for the school holidays, I hope you all had some wonderful, restful, quality whanau time together during the break. The term ahead looks to be another filled with excitement and some uncertainty, however we shall stand in a posture of faith and trust knowing that ‘God is a lamp to our feet and our rear guard at all times’. Our school vision SHARP MINDS, STRONG BODIES AND GOOD HEARTS derived from Luke 10:27 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, with all your strength and with all your mind” continues to drive our mahi especially during these turbulent times. Thank you for your ongoing support for staff and setting our tamariki up for success in learning and wellbeing.
In response to well-being last term we made changes to our school timetable and we thank you for supporting our school community when we had to move quickly. As we head into term three we will resume our normal school timetable of 8.45am-3pm daily unless unforeseeable circumstances arise. We will keep you well informed.
1. SHARP MINDS-This term our theme will continue to explore our local history with a focus on local heroes. There are a number of language weeks so we look forward to seeing you at school, live in person to celebrate together. We also have Parent partnership meetings to CONNECT with our teachers and discuss learning goals and next steps. I am pleased with our year 8 students as they demonstrate that are almost ready to transition to High School.
2. STRONG BODIES- Our health and well-being this term continues to be a priority as the Winter chills lurk. With the cost of living going up please do remember we always have excess food (from FED lunches) and fruit (from Fruit in Schools). My biggest tip is to REST well as REST is the gift that keeps on giving. EAT WELL, EXERCISE WELL AND REST WELL.
3. GOOD HEARTS- Our Devotional theme will explore Bible heroes and the Lords’ prayer. We are currently reviewing our school-wide wellbeing framework and this includes many things from policies, pastoral care, whanau support, staff well-being, student voice etc. This is integral to our RUA way so once we have developed this further we look forward to sharing this with you all.
4.Stay alert: COVID-19 will still be with us this winter
COVID-19 will still be in the community this winter so stay alert – even if you’ve had it before.
Remember these five important tips from Auckland Regional Public Health Service:
Keep up healthy habits:
• Washing and drying your hands well and often
• Wearing a mask – especially inside. They stop the virus spreading when someone speaks,
laughs, coughs, sings or sneezes.
• Coughing and sneezing into a tissue or your elbow; not your hands.
• Cleaning or disinfecting shared surfaces regularly
• Keeping inside spaces well ventilated (e.g. open windows) to improve airflow and reduce
the risk of transmitting the virus.
Now is also a good time to check your whānau is up to date with their immunisations against
diseases like measles, mumps, rubella and pertussis (whooping cough). With New Zealand’s borders
re-opening, there is a greater risk of diseases like measles arriving here in the coming months.
Know the symptoms to look for: The symptoms of COVID-19 can include a new or worsening
cough, sneezing and runny nose, a fever, temporary loss of smell or altered sense of taste, sore
throat, shortness of breath. Less common symptoms can include: diarrhoea, headache, nausea,
vomiting, malaise (a general feeling of discomfort, illness or unease), chest pain, abdominal pain, joint
pain, confusion or irritability.
In an emergency (for example if someone is having difficulty breathing), immediately dial 111
for an ambulance. COVID-related medical care is free.
Have symptoms? Stay home, call Healthline: If you or anyone in your household has COVID
symptoms, stay at home and call Healthline: 0800 358 5453. They will tell you what to do,
including how to get a test. Healthline is free, available 24/7 and has interpreters available.
COVID-19 in your household? Stay home: Everyone living in a household with someone who
has COVID-19 needs to isolate – not just the person with the virus.
• Household contacts need to isolate for seven days and have two tests during that time: one
on Day 3 and one on Day 7. The only exception is people who have already had COVID-19, less
than 90 days ago.
• Household Contacts can leave isolation after 7 days if they remain well and have returned
negative tests.
• Please do not send your child in if they live with someone who has COVID-19, even if they
are well.
• It’s a good idea to prepare in case you need to self-isolate. You can download an Isolation Plan
from the website.
For more information and advice about COVID-19:
• Healthline: 0800 358 5453 (a free, 24/7 service with interpreters available)
Or visit:
• Unite against COVID
• Auckland Regional Public Health Service
• Ministry of Health
• Northern Region Health Coordination Centre
As I mentioned above regarding rest, I would like to inform you that I will be taking a Sabbatical for term three and I look forward to returning in term four fully refreshed ready to share and cast vision for 2023. During my absence Sisi Key will take on the Acting Principal role and she looks forward to taking the helm for this season. Please continue to uplift our students, staff, whanau and Board of Trustees in fervent prayer.
God bless you all,
Sita Selupe MNZM
The Calendar
Recent Events
Items from Rooms 1 and 4
Room 4
Term 2’s inquiry context has seen Room four learn about Māori tikanga, Significant landmarks and tangata whenua.
Most of Room four had written and recorded their personal pepeha’s too. Excellent effort! They listened and practiced retelling Maori stories about Mataliki and Hape and the Great migration.
Sadly enough, Room four have also experienced the sad migration of three amazing students.
We farewell and send our love and prayers to Jacob who will be schooling in Melbourne, Shayla-Kay and Viliami who will be attending schools within their local area. We will miss them dearly and we will always continue to pray for them and their whanau.Aroha Nui, Mrs Faga
Room 1
Fakaalofa lahi atu whanau,
This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in HIM. Praise the Lord and well done Room 1 we’ve finally reached half way through the year. Today we wrapped up our Term 2 devotion (2 Peter 1 vs 5-8) with a reflection about the characteristics we’ve learnt. We discussed and shared at how we could show more of these characteristics throughout the year. I was very impressed with all of their response as they also reflected on their Mid Year Reports. Hopefully you were able to read these and bring any questions to our Parent Partnership Meeting in Term 3 – Friday 26th August.
Young Authors Challenge.
The Young Authors Challenge is a short story competition that some of Room 1 students entered. They were to write about a great day out and the students could win some incredible prizes! We had 3 students who completed the challenge which they’ve entered the Y.A.C writers competition 2022. Please have a read of Harjas Singh, Esetera Satini-Winter and Gideon Fe’ao’s great day out.Math Whizz
Congratulations to our Math Whizzer in Room 1 for persevering in your lessons and achieving 3 or more progressions throughout these past 6 months. Please read throughout the school newsletters to see the list of names from our entire school.Haere Ra
As we start a new term, it is with a sad heart that we say Haere ra to our Talisa-Sosene and Mareko Whanau. Room 1 – Izrael, Room 3 – Sinai, and Room 4 – Viliami. The Rise UP staff have definitely seen all three of you grow with the Lord and your good hearts you’ve displayed since you first started school. We will continue to keep you in prayer as you make new friends and transition into your new school for Term 3.I hope you have had a fantastic break and will see you on Monday ready to start an amazing Term 3!
Blessings to you all.
Ms Sifaheone
- Room 1
- The Tight 4
- Hugs
- More Hugs
- With Staff
- With Mrs Selupe
Please click on the link below to read; Esetera, Harjas and Gideon’s writing.
Congratulations to these following students who received Performance recognition from Math Whizz.
Room 4: Eli MacGregor, Raven Henry & Skye Suamasi
Room 3: Genesis Peato, Kobe Winter, Lynell Matamaki & Tyler Henry
Room 2: Hadassah Peauafi, Isabelle MacGregor, Aaliyah Martin, Norton Karaitiana, Loimata Lilo Tua-Akatea, Jasmine Kaur, Bentley Peauafi, Ayaan Samy & Leikyn Winter
Room 1: Matutua Talagi, Thomas Papali’i-Tiria, Izrael Talisa-Sosene, Jordyn Herringer-Tomuli, Zorama Ulugia, Harjas Singh, Josiah Lilo Tua-Akatea, Esetera Winter, Isabella Winter & Eden Pasene
Whanau Notices
Pre-Term 3 Checklist
It is important for our children to be Term 3 ready so they have a great start to their learning from the first day of school. So, if you need to – get them into bed early this weekend and practice getting up early.
Parent Partnership Meeting (PPM) – Friday 26th August
In the last week of term your children brought home their Mid-year reports as well as a time slip for you to fill in your preferred interview time. Please know that its first in first served in order to get the times you request. There is no school on this day as it is specifically set aside for our PPM’s. for Thank you to those whose whanau have already sent these slips in. A gentle reminder that you can choose to meet your child’s classroom teacher face to face or via zoom meeting.
- Face to Face PPM
- Zoom PPM
- Face to Face PPM
After School Programme
After School SUPA Programme commences from Week 2 and ends on Week 9.
Rise UP Trust Annual General Meeting
You are cordially invited to our Annual General Meeting for The Rise UP Trust on Thursday 11th August 2022 from 6pm-7.30pm. Your attendance will be much appreciated as we celebrate together God’s blessings over our whanau in 2021.
We are hoping to have full attendance from our Rise UP Whanau as your child/ren will be performing 2 songs with our School Choir to open and close this event. Also by attending this event your whanau will go into a draw to win a family pass (2 adults and 2 children OR 1 adult and 3 children) to Rainbow’s End Surprised. We would also like to honour our volunteers from Terms 1&2 to celebrate National Volunteer Week. Please RSVP as soon as possible or by Friday 5th August for catering purposes.
We welcome you to share with your friends, whanau and networks that Rise UP is open for new enrolments for the remainder of 2022 and 2023. Please invite them to collect an enrolment for from our school office during school time.
At Rise UP we consider your child’s safety our first priority therefore we ask that you adhere to the rules we alongside Sir Douglas Bader Intermediate have put in place. We have had a few close calls which is too many for our liking. We would like to ask that if you see any of our Rise UP parents/ caregivers parking where they shouldn’t be please kindly ask them to move along. We thank you for your cooperation.
It is important that our students take pride in their appearance. Please ensure your child wears the correct school uniform each day to school.
As you can probably feel the mornings are becoming a bit cooler and more crisp so we encourage you if your child doesn’t already have one please purchase them a school jersey. Size 6-16 $48.00 for Adult S-XL is $52.00 (no hoodies or printed jerseys to be worn at school) Your child can wear the summer uniform: polo and black shorts. If you wish to make an order please pay into the school account and email us proof of payment.
Rise UP Academy 12 3021 0016910 00 Ref: Childs name Code: Uniform Pref: polo or jersey e.g. Ref: SaaneH Code: Uniform Pref: sz14polo
In winter (terms 2 & 3) they can also wear: long PLAIN BLACK tracks/pants (no prints on them) these can be brought from the Warehouse or Kmart (prices vary from $10-$20) Hats are not compulsory in terms 2 & 3 but we do encourage them to wear one if the sun is out.
Please support us by encouraging your child to wear the correct school uniform.
Your child must bring a labelled water bottle to school. We have taps available to REFILL bottles but not to drink from to avoid any spread of COVID. We thank you for your support in helping to prevent the spread of COVID in our school community. Should your child forget to bring a bottle the classroom teacher will be making contact with you.
Whanau devotions:
Devotion topic: I am a child of God!
Scripture for the week:
2 Peter 1: 5-7
5 For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; 6 and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; 7 and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. 8 For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Learning Intention: Success criteria:
We are learning how to show love to others
– I can serve others.
– I can be kind to others
– I can pray and ask God to help me to love others.
Prayer requests:
– Enrolment
– Healing for our staff and families experiencing sickness and covid.
– Term 3 Biblical curriculum overview
– God’s strength and guidance for all our Rise UP staff, families and board.