Principal’s Message
Kiaora Koutou and warm Pasifika Greetings to you all,
Term 3 has just flown by so quickly. As we move into the school holidays I am reminded of the scripture Luke 1: 37 ‘For with God nothing will be impossible’. Our term has been a very busy and fast term and we give glory to God for his guidance in what we do to ensure the main mahi, of ‘Improving student outcomes’ underpins everything we do at Rise UP Academy. I want to firstly thank all staff for their efforts this term, supporting each other when we were down staff and mainly opening their rooms when we have had to split classes. Fa’afetai lava. Secondly I would like to thank all you parents for your understanding and continuous support throughout the term. No school can function without a supportive community, so Fa’afetai fa’afetai tele leva. Lastly, to our students who keep us real everyday, thank you all for persevering when the learning became hard, thank you for showing the fruits of the spirit each day and thank you children for coming to school with a smile and ready to learnz. Have a good rest, be safe and remember to tell God everyday what you are grateful for. We look forward to Term 4, to our Inquiry where we plan to develop and make products for our Market Day later on in Term 4. And to add we look forward to having our Principal Sita back in the pilot seat. I pray you all have a wonderful and safe time with your tamariki.
1. SHARP MINDS- FRONT FOOT TEAM ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 2021 During our last assembly we were so fortunate to have the team from Front Foot attend to acknowledge our 2021 team for their 1st place equal with Alfriston Primary for the Front Foot 2021 competition. Just to remind you all we entered this competition (where teams from across Auckland schools developed an idea for an APP that would then be taken on further by a company to actually develop if successful) Out of 30 schools we were semi-finalists with 5 other schools and we received 1st place equal with Alfriston) Because of COVID acknowledgements were delayed, however our team of 6 (Gideon Fe’ao, David’sson Otto, Jacob Lilo Tua-Akatea, Eden Pasene, Rettamae Martin & Nevaeh Letiu) received a gift card each valued at $250.00 and our school received a cheque for $2000.00! Praise God and we are so proud of the 2021 team! We have entered again this year so watch this space! I would like to thank our teams mentor Steve Ahotaha who worked over and above with our team! Thank you to Front Foot director Essendon Tuitupou for ensuring our amazing team were recognised! God is Good!
- 2021 Front Foot Team
2. STRONG BODIES– We have now connected with CLM Community sport specifically the Healthy Active Learning aspect. We are looking forward to having our lead advisor Jason Husband work with our staff and students to enhance what we do in terms of particing in movement and keeping our bodies active. Watch this space!
3. GOOD HEARTS– As some of you would have known we recently had beautiful and heartfelt presentations from six of our families in Synergy. Although I was not present the positive feedback from those who attended was amazing. We are so fortunate to have this wonderful programme in our school, ‘Know who I am’. Thank you to our wonderful BLC team for your mahi, support and love for our families to ensure they were ready. To our families, take a bow! Your children will never forget these moments.
4.Stay alert: COVID-19 will still be and still with us as we move out of winter
COVID-19 will still be in the community this winter so stay alert – even if you’ve had it before.
Remember these five important tips from Auckland Regional Public Health Service:
Keep up healthy habits:
• Washing and drying your hands well and often
• Wearing a mask – especially inside. They stop the virus spreading when someone speaks,
laughs, coughs, sings or sneezes.
• Coughing and sneezing into a tissue or your elbow; not your hands.
• Cleaning or disinfecting shared surfaces regularly
• Keeping inside spaces well ventilated (e.g. open windows) to improve airflow and reduce
the risk of transmitting the virus.
Now is also a good time to check your whānau is up to date with their immunisations against
diseases like measles, mumps, rubella and pertussis (whooping cough). With New Zealand’s borders
re-opening, there is a greater risk of diseases like measles arriving here in the coming months.
Know the symptoms to look for: The symptoms of COVID-19 can include a new or worsening
cough, sneezing and runny nose, a fever, temporary loss of smell or altered sense of taste, sore
throat, shortness of breath. Less common symptoms can include: diarrhoea, headache, nausea,
vomiting, malaise (a general feeling of discomfort, illness or unease), chest pain, abdominal pain, joint
pain, confusion or irritability.
In an emergency (for example if someone is having difficulty breathing), immediately dial 111
for an ambulance. COVID-related medical care is free.
Have symptoms? Stay home, call Healthline: If you or anyone in your household has COVID
symptoms, stay at home and call Healthline: 0800 358 5453. They will tell you what to do,
including how to get a test. Healthline is free, available 24/7 and has interpreters available.
COVID-19 in your household? Stay home: Everyone living in a household with someone who
has COVID-19 needs to isolate – not just the person with the virus.
• Household contacts need to isolate for seven days and have two tests during that time: one
on Day 3 and one on Day 7. The only exception is people who have already had COVID-19, less
than 90 days ago.
• Household Contacts can leave isolation after 7 days if they remain well and have returned
negative tests.
• Please do not send your child in if they live with someone who has COVID-19, even if they
are well.
• It’s a good idea to prepare in case you need to self-isolate. You can download an Isolation Plan
from the website.
For more information and advice about COVID-19:
• Healthline: 0800 358 5453 (a free, 24/7 service with interpreters available)
Or visit:
• Unite against COVID
• Auckland Regional Public Health Service
• Ministry of Health
• Northern Region Health Coordination Centre
God bless,
Sisi Key
Acting Principal
The Calendar
Recent Events
Term 3: In the Classroom
Room 5
Malo e lelei,
This term we have been learning about some of our local heroes. Room 5 students have chosen some of their family members: Mums, Dads, cousins or siblings as their superheroes. Our Bible Heroes and local heroes are inspiring us to be creative and innovative. Some of the fun activities we did were making colourful superhero masks and dressing up in our favourite superhero outfits . We embraced and celebrated our rich diverse cultures during our Cook Island, Tongan and Te Reo Maori Language weeks with cultural activities and wearing our cultural attire. We enjoyed the Tuakana-Teina buddy reading with Room 2 and Inquiry teamwork with Room 4.
Have a safe and very blessed holiday break.
Ernestine Muller
Room 4
Malo e Lelei Whanau,
Room four have had an industrious term. Inquiring into who are our local heroes are and knowing their characteristics.
They were able to use some of the De Bono’s Thinking hats to deepen their thinking and questioning. They understand how they inspire others and us as individuals.
Another highlight for our Dahl reading group was learning how electricity works and its importance in our lives. They created open and closed circuits too! Language Weeks and the introduction of the Mitey Programme were also special features of this term.
Thank you whanau for your support!
Bring on Term four!
Room 3
Talofa lava families,
My name is Ramona Debenham and I have been teaching our amazing year 4 and 5 students in Room 3. This term has been filled with lots of interactive learning across all the curriculum areas. The students have been working and supporting each other collaboratively and have been the teachers themselves, by explaining their understanding. Many of the students have excelled during the language weeks this term and it has been a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate their different ‘smart’ strengths. As part of our inquiry, the students have started working on art projects to create and consider how to market, price and sell.
Thank you families for all your support,
Blessings, Ms Debenham
Room 2
Talofa lava and warm greetings,
What a busy and awesome term of learning it has been for us in Room 2. This term we have been focusing on our inquiry that will lead us into our Market day happening in term 4. Our inquiry learning has been integrated through literacy and numeracy. We have also been learning about global, local and bible leaders and heroes. Learning about the characteristics of leaders and heroes inspires us to be great leaders and future entrepreneurs. A key aspect of being a great leader is being able to work well independently and in collaboration with others and there has been a lot of learning around how to work well with others in Room 2. We are looking forward to the school holidays so we can relax and reset for Term 4.
Many blessings from Ms Ah Lam and Room 2.
Room 1
Fakaalofa lahi atu Whanau.
Praise God we’ve come to the end of term 3. Room 1 have had a full on term with their guest speakers, interviews and shaping their marketable product for a market day intern 4. We had guests from TwoSevenFive – founder Fitz and his son Jordyn, Mary Aue with her online business with Coconut Wireless and Mr T aka Sonny Tuiletufuga sharing his entrepreneurial skills in making money. The students were able to formulate a range of questions using the Blooms Taxonomy verbs and note take key information to help with their marketing and target audience. Room 1 is in the process of researching and trialling their marketable product to give their best product by term 4.
Room 1 students have worked with a Music teacher from Bader Intermediate Mr Ropati in creating music and creating beats to produce their own music. The students have really enjoyed working with Mr Ropati and learning new skills within Information Technology. Hope they’ll be able to play some of their music during the market day . Thank you parents for all the support you have done through Term 3, have a restful 2week break and see in Term 4.
God bless Ms Sifaheone and Room 1 students.
In week 7 we were able to finally celebrate Uike Kātoanga’i ‘o e lea faka-Tonga in true Tongan style this year after covid had put restrictions on the last 2 years.
One of our parents Fakaositau Peauafi opened our week with some beautiful Hymns and a mighty powerful prayer to start our week. The children were able to Celebrate a MMT Day which we had our own Bailey Palala from Mai FM come and host our kids Dance Off. We were also blessed to have our previous student Mele Lelenoa return and teach our girls their Tauolunga along with Nela and Harold teach our boys dance. Lastly thank you to the all Tongan parents who supported the kids extra practices and all contributed to our yummy shared lunch. I think our Fotui makes the best Otai!!
Malo Aupito
In week 8 our school celebrated Te Wiki O Te Reo Maori. Each class embraced the Maori culture by incorporating activities within their classrooms. Our students learnt haka, waiata, dances and shared stories. We also learnt Maori words, phrases and our pepeha. We were blessed to have Whaea Cecelia come in to support the learning in all the classes during the week. In conclusion of Te Wiki O Te Reo Maori we had some yummy kai (Seafood chowder and Paraoa) followed by our school assembly. During our assembly Whaea Nerina, Mel & Rosanna Whaanga came along to enrich our learning about Te Reo and our local area of Mangere. We truly enjoyed all of the rich learning that we experienced during Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori.
Last week 23 of our students and staff were invited to Sir Douglas Bader Intermediate’s school production, ‘Flip the Script’ at the Mangere Arts Centre. This show was a wonderful display of the talent of our young people in our Mangere community. Well done to the Performing Arts Staff at SDBI and their students.
Whanau Notices
SYNERGY – Presentation Night
Well done to all our whanau who participated in the Synergy programme this term! We are so very proud of all our children who gave a presentation all about themselves in front of their whanau. Our hearts were filled with joy and love as we listened to our children sharing their talents, dreams for the future and their whakapapa. We give thanks and praise to God that our children know who they are in Christ- that they are fearfully and wonderfully made and that God has a plan for their life. Thank you to our following whanau; Pula-Olo, Yeng Tung -Karaitiana, Rangi-Key, Tapuosi, Papali’i-Tiria and Laulusa whanau.
- Synergy Students
- Laulusa Whanau
- Tapuosi Whanau
- Pula – Olo Whanau
- Papali’i-Tiria Whanau
- Rangi-Key Whanau
- Yeng Tung – Karaitiana Whanau
Next Term (4) we will be starting our AFS programme on the first week we return back to school. Monday 17th October we will have AFS-culture for Niuean Language week.
A gentle reminder to our whanau who have children who are turning 5 and hoping to start at Rise UP in the next year that the enrolments are due in now as we prepare for 2023. If you have any friends or family who are also interested in moving their children to RUA please ask them t collect an enrolment form from the office in week 2 of the school holidays Tuesday 11th & Wednesday 12th October 9.30am – 12.30pm.
At Rise UP we consider your child’s safety our first priority therefore we ask that you adhere to the rules we alongside Sir Douglas Bader Intermediate have put in place. We have had a few close calls which is too many for our liking. We would like to ask that if you see any of our Rise UP parents/ caregivers parking where they shouldn’t be please kindly ask them to move along. We thank you for your cooperation.
It is important that our students take pride in their appearance. Please ensure your child wears the correct school uniform each day to school.
Summer is near so our summer uniform kicks in for Term 4 which means wearing a hat during breaktime is a necessity. HATS ARE COMPULSORY and our students who forget to bring one to school will have to remain in the shaded area during the breaktime. The summer uniform is the RUA polo, plain black shorts, BLACK sandals or shoes are accepted. If your child still feels the cold they can continue to wear long plain black pants.
The school office will be open for uniform purchases week 2 of the school holidays Tuesday 11th & Wednesday 12th October 9.30am – 12.30pm. If you wish to order a uniform please pay into the school account and email us proof of payment [email protected]
Rise UP Academy 12 3021 0016910 00 Ref: Childs name Code: Uniform Pref: polo or jersey e.g. Ref: SaaneH Code: Uniform Pref: sz14polo
Drink bottles – we highly recommend that your child brings a water bottle to school so they can access these in class should they need to rehydrate. If they bring a bottle to school it avoids disruption to their learning should they need to leave the classroom to drink from the fountain.
Please support us by encouraging your child to wear the correct school uniform and to bring a water bottle to school.
Whanau devotions:
Devotion topic: Bible Heroes-Leadership
Scripture for the term: Matthew 20: 25-28
25 But Jesus called them together and said, “You know that the rulers in this world lord it over their people, and officials flaunt their authority over those under them. 26 But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, 27 and whoever wants to be first among you must become your slave. 28 For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
Scripture for the week:
Isaiah 41: 10 “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
Learning Intention: We are learning to understand the meaning of courage
Success criteria: I can
Prayer requests:
God’s love and protection to be upon all whanau and staff.
Well-being for all whanau and staff
Protection over the school holidays
To open up the children’s hearts to God’s Word to believe that they are wonderfully and fearfully made.
Term 4 curriculum planning