Principal’s Message
Kia ora koutou and warm Pasifika greetings to you all,
Term 4 is a real hive of activity at our school! It is a busy time of the year for us all so we will pray that He would ‘teach us to number our days’ and also that the ‘JOY of the LORD will be our strength’. The students are busy preparing for the MARKET DAY so please lock in your calendars for THURSDAY 1ST DECEMBER 12.00pm start until 2.30pm to celebrate and do some Christmas shopping. While you’ve got your calendar open please note the other events and celebrations we have planned. Thank you to our KOMITI TUPU MAI who are back in motion supporting our school and harnessing our whanau collective strength-we value your time and commitment.
1. SHARP MINDS- Our students have been learning about entrepreneurship this term and working very hard on their projects. With only four weeks of school to go, lets finish strong with 100 % attendance! Our Board of Trustees and staff have been strategically planning for 2023 with a focus on Literacy specifically to accelerate Writing. Our local Curriculum statement has been reviewed (thank you for your feedback) and we will share this early next year with everyone.
2. STRONG BODIES- Warmer days mean water bottles and sunhats, thank you for ensuring our children have sun protection and are well hydrated with water bottes handy. Our students are happier and ready to learn!
3. GOOD HEARTS- Our Devotional curriculum has focussed on Stewardship of our bodies, talents, environment, possessions and money. We appreciate you asking questions and sharing with them about these topics at home-thank you.
4.Stay alert: COVID-19 will still be and still with us this term
COVID-19 will still be in the community this winter so stay alert – even if you’ve had it before.
Remember these five important tips from Auckland Regional Public Health Service:
Keep up healthy habits:
• Washing and drying your hands well and often
• Wearing a mask – especially inside. They stop the virus spreading when someone speaks,
laughs, coughs, sings or sneezes.
• Coughing and sneezing into a tissue or your elbow; not your hands.
• Cleaning or disinfecting shared surfaces regularly
• Keeping inside spaces well ventilated (e.g. open windows) to improve airflow and reduce
the risk of transmitting the virus.
Now is also a good time to check your whānau is up to date with their immunisations against
diseases like measles, mumps, rubella and pertussis (whooping cough). With New Zealand’s borders
re-opening, there is a greater risk of diseases like measles arriving here in the coming months.
Know the symptoms to look for: The symptoms of COVID-19 can include a new or worsening
cough, sneezing and runny nose, a fever, temporary loss of smell or altered sense of taste, sore
throat, shortness of breath. Less common symptoms can include: diarrhoea, headache, nausea,
vomiting, malaise (a general feeling of discomfort, illness or unease), chest pain, abdominal pain, joint
pain, confusion or irritability.
In an emergency (for example if someone is having difficulty breathing), immediately dial 111
for an ambulance. COVID-related medical care is free.
Have symptoms? Stay home, call Healthline: If you or anyone in your household has COVID
symptoms, stay at home and call Healthline: 0800 358 5453. They will tell you what to do,
including how to get a test. Healthline is free, available 24/7 and has interpreters available.
COVID-19 in your household? Please keep your children home if they are symptomatic and unwell. Please let us know if you need support.
• It’s a good idea to prepare in case you need to self-isolate. You can download an Isolation Plan
from the website.
For more information and advice about COVID-19:
• Healthline: 0800 358 5453 (a free, 24/7 service with interpreters available)
Or visit:
• Unite against COVID
• Auckland Regional Public Health Service
• Ministry of Health
• Northern Region Health Coordination Centre
O ai le Toa? SAMOA
God Bless
Sita Selupe MNZM
The Calendar
Recent Events
Term 4: In the Classroom
Room 5
This term we welcomed many new students and their families to Room 5.
Billinda Farani
Ralph Aue-Taufelila
Aria Birch
Joel Piutau
Alana Fa’avae
Our new students are beginning to settle into our class routines.
Inquiry learning this term, centres around our local Entrepreneurs and we were privileged to have some of our parents visit our classroom to share about their entrepreneurship as business owners in our community.
Room 5 has been very busy in preparation for our school’s Market Day and we are still working away at creating sellable products.
Every member of Room 5 enjoys our new play-based activities, the students are learning to read and follow the picture icons on the task boards.
Our Devotion focus this term is encouraging us to put into practice faithful stewardship in class too, by taking care of everything, especially things which don’t belong to us.
Have a safe and very blessed end of the term Rise UP Whanau.
Love and blessings
Ernestine Muller
Room 4
Room four have had an action pack start to the term. Our tamariki have relished their opportunity of free swimming lessons every Monday; as part of the John Walker Field of Dreams programme. The levels of confidence in and around water has flourished. It is exciting to see our kids being active with an increased awareness of water safety; especially with the summer holidays looming.
For Inquiry learning; Room four have worked really hard at preparing their personalised calendars and Christmas Mugs to sell at our Market Day.
They have collectively worked with their whanau collecting birthdates and pictures of their nearest and dearest.
We look forward to their Market day and celebrating their mahi.
Mrs Faga
Room 3
Talofa Lava,
My name is Toma Unoi and I come to Rise Up Academy with years of experience in the primary sector of Education. I have the pleasure of taking on Room 3 this term and have been enjoying my time with not only the class but the whole school. We have been learning about each other and I have been teaching them a lot about who I am as a person and the routines I will be using in my class so that they know these and the expectations when they enter the classroom. I look forward to also learning more about you and from your child.
Soifua ma Ia manuia. Toma Unoi.
- Room 3 with Mr Unoi
- Funny Photo!
Room 2
Term 4 has been a very busy time for Room 2. We have been focusing on our Inquiry that will prepare us for our Market Day next month. Last term our class had brainstormed many ideas and this term we experimented and finalised our products. There has been lots of learning – from writing emails, formal letters, researching, solving math problems, making phone calls, and meeting with businesses to help us through our inquiry process. Our class have also enjoyed our weekly visits to the Mangere Library and learning new skills at the Mangere Swimming pools. We are halfway through the last term of the year and we are amped to continue our learning.
Room 1
Fakaalofa atu kia mutolu oti – At the beginning of Term 3 we kicked it off with inviting some inspirational guests who began our inquiry off with some tips around starting a business and having the mindset of an entrepreneur. Room 1 were inspired and began to brainstorm around what their product could look like during the Market Day. Please save the date Thursday 1st December and bring any spare change you have to support Room 1 and their marketable products. Trust me you don’t want to miss out on the Gooooods ☺. Lastly, keeping all our whanau in prayer who have been unwell.
All the best to our Toa Samoa Team!! Cheeehooo!!!
Niuean Language Week was on the first week of term and it was such a great time had by students and staff. We were very privileged to have Lino Nelisi a gifted Author of our Language Books who spent the day with our students and staff with singing or reading. She also had some very engaging conversations with Niuean students who she learnt ‘oh we are related’. Lino also spent the afternoon block with the parents of our Niuean children. She was able to share her passion and wisdom around the language and how to keep it alive in the home.
Our students were also able to share apart of their culture with us through song and dance. During assembly we had a few students, parents and staff take part in some fun games. Well done to David’sson who MC’d the assembly and to Arthur, Fisi-Anne who did the prayer for us during the language week. Thank you to Ms Taufelila and Ms Sifaheone for a great week!
As a Pasifika school we celebrated History being made with one of our Pasifika Nations, SAMOA for making it to the World Cup Final for Rugby League. We invited all our students to wear anything BLUE to school on Friday – what a great day we had celebrating! The staff also enjoyed a shared morning tea with the staff at Sir Douglas Bader Intermediate encouraging strong relations between the two schools.
Whanau Notices
Over Terms 3 & 4 for Inquiry Learning its been the Local Heroes (small businesses) such as 275 clothing, Coconut Wireless etc that have inspired our students to make sustainable and marketable products to sell at their Market Day on Thursday 1st December 12.00 – 2.30pm. Our Students have been working very hard. This will be a great time to purchase those original Christmas gifts made by hand. There will be some instructions sent out soon on how we will manage purchases on the day. Watch this space!
In partnership with Vaka Tautua we have been given an opportunity for our whanau to participate in a financial capability building programme (8 weeks) which equips our whanau with financial literacy skills. In our whanau fono in Term 3 some of our parents gave feedback in which they would like our children to learn financial literacy skills.
This programme supports parents to have conversations about money with their children-intergenerational learning about money.
- Workshop 1
- Workshop 2
- Workshop 3 -Budgeting
For our whanau who have children turning five next year please complete an enrolment form. We have spaces available for next year’s enrolment, so please let your whanau know. You can pick up an enrolment form from the office.
It’s time to celebrate our path goals this year Our whanau educators will contact and book a time to debrief your path plans this week.
We have our second workshop for Pacific Island dual language books on Wednesday 23rd November at 5.30pm.
What is PELP?
The Ministry of Education has contracted us to provide support to Pasifika parents and families at your school, through the Pasifika Early Literacy Project. This project focuses on how parents/families can use Pasifika dual language books to support their children’s language and literacy development in both their Pasifika language and English. If families support their children to use and maintain their Pasifika languages, this will benefit our children’s English language and literacy development.
5.30pm – 7.30pm
Meat raffle draw- All adults attending receive a ticket!
We look forward to seeing you all and meeting new parents. These sessions will be helpful for both you and us. You are welcome to bring your children to the fono. Light refreshments will be provided.
Please email [email protected] or text 0224194988 to rsvp by Tuesday 22nd November. We hope to see you there!
Fa‘afetai lava
Sisi Key
PROV-TECH Automotive
If your car needs some work done or a service please check out
Mary and her whanau make the heartiest burgers and delicious meals like; surf n turf, ribs etc found here too! 60 Vine Street Mangere.
She and her team create the most stunning pieces and are available to order. You’ll be the talk of the town when you wear one of her numbers.
*Whanau if you own a small business that you would like us to post up on our newsletters please email [email protected]
At Rise UP we consider your child’s safety our first priority therefore we ask that you adhere to the rules we alongside Sir Douglas Bader Intermediate have put in place. We have had a few close calls which is too many for our liking. We would like to ask that if you see any of our Rise UP parents/ caregivers parking where they shouldn’t be please kindly ask them to move along. We thank you for your cooperation.
It is important that our students take pride in their appearance. Please ensure your child wears the correct school uniform each day to school.
As you can probably feel the mornings are becoming a bit cooler and more crisp so we encourage you if your child doesn’t already have one please purchase them a school jersey. Size 6-16 $48.00 for Adult S-XL is $52.00 (no hoodies or printed jerseys to be worn at school) Your child can wear the summer uniform: polo and black shorts. If you wish to make an order please pay into the school account and email us proof of payment.
Rise UP Academy 12 3021 0016910 00 Ref: Childs name Code: Uniform Pref: polo or jersey e.g. Ref: SaaneH Code: Uniform Pref: sz14polo
Its Term 4 so its back to plain black shorts but if they are still feeling cold they can also wear: long PLAIN BLACK tracks/pants (no prints on them) these can be brought from the Warehouse or Kmart (prices vary from $10-$20) Hats ARE COMPULSORY in terms 1 & 4.
Please support us by encouraging your child to wear the correct school uniform.
Your child must bring a labelled water bottle to school. We have taps available to REFILL bottles but not to drink from to avoid any spread of COVID. We thank you for your support in helping to prevent the spread of COVID in our school community. Should your child forget to bring a bottle the classroom teacher will be making contact with you.
Whanau devotions:
Devotion topic: Stewardship – I’m a Steward of my gifts, talents and abilities
Scripture for the term:
Genesis 1: 26
Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
Scripture for the week:
1 Peter 4:10 As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.
We are learning to be stewards of our gifts and talents.
Success criteria:
– We can identify our gifts and talents
– We can develop our gifts and talents
– We can share our gifts and talents
– We can give God all glory for our gifts and talents
Prayer requests:
– Staff and whanau well-being
– Enrolments
– Local curriculum
– BLC (Building Learning communities) whanau programmes -sustainability.