Principal’s Message
Bula Vinaka,
It has been a full to the brim term with Tongan Language week and Te wiki o te Reo Maori running back to back. The children and staff enjoyed the color red for two weeks, amazing cultural performances and last but not least the yummy kai. Thank you so much to all the Tongan kainga and the Macgregor whanau who prepared and cooked for the whole school during those language weeks. We are so blessed to have such fully engaged whanau at Rise UP Academy. I hope you have enjoyed the break as it is a wonderful time to slow down and spend quality time with our children, no matter how old they are.
Our board of Trustees attended the New Zealand School Trustees Association conference in Rotorua this term and learned lots of information to strengthen our school vision for the next three years. The upcoming elections will determine our strategic direction with regards to property so we will keep you informed once the Ministry of Education inform us of their plans for our permanent location.
Next term our Inquiry theme involves Kiwi Icons, our teachers are planning some fantastic learning experiences including a Spellathon and Readathon to fundraise for our end of year Rainbows End trip.
Our school roll is filled for the year and we are enrolling for 2024, if you have any children turning five next year please enrol them online and we will arrange transition days for you.
Term four is always a busy term so please the calendar dates for the events to lock in your diaries.
We have our last two language weeks for the year to during weeks one and two of the term four so do lock in our performance dates if your children are performing. We will make our debut at the Mangere BEATS festival where all the Mangere Primary and Intermediate schools showcase their performing arts on the 20th October. Please join us to tautoko our students.
Vinaka vaka levu,
Sita Selupe MNZM
The Calendar
Recent Events
Term 3: In the Classroom Learning
Room 5
Glory be to God for his guidance upon us all throughout Term 3. Room 5 students have been focused on learning letter sound relationships as it is the key skill to help our young students to decode written language and pronounce unfamiliar words. Thus, to build a strong foundation of literacy (reading and writing). Our students are kinesthetic smart. They understand more when they put their hands on experimenting things. They engaged really well in sorting beads in different color and shape patterns to make their bracelets. It is a basic math skill that encourages students to learn values of each item in a sequence. With Inquiry learning, our class actively participated in some of our science experiments in which we tested our paper boats on water. These experiments inspired our students to have more scientific understanding on what objects that float and sink .There were lots of wondering and questions asking on why things happened which lead to another experiment to observe Gravity and Buoyancy Force.
Stay healthy Room 5, Kia Kaha.
Mrs Partsch
Room 4
Kia Ora Whanau,
For Term three, our tamariki have placed a huge focus on literacy. As part of our weekly programme; Room four learners read a Big book for Shared Reading and conclude with a whole class activity.
Our Big Book titled “Will it Float?” tied in nicely with our Inquiry context. This book explores the concepts of floating and sinking and of “thinking like a scientist”.
Akonga tested different objects of various shapes, sizes and weights. They first made predictions about whether it would float or sink. Then tested each object. Curiosity and debates filled our class with interesting but valid conclusions.
Another Big Book we read together as a class was called“ Eggs, Eggs, Eggs” by Jill Eggleton.
This text was full of rich vocabulary and figurative language features. Our big book activity; exercised the tuakana–teina relationship, a buddy system; where an older or more expert tuakana (Room 2) helps and guides a younger expert teina (Room 4).
Room 2 led by Ms Weightman worked together making pompoms using multiple coloured yarn. This was thoroughly enjoyed by akonga.
Nga mihi Ms Weightman!
Room four will continue to sharpen their minds in literacy, build strong bodies and exemplify their good hearts through their Devotion time.
Mrs Faga & Mrs Govender
- Rooms 4 & 2
Room 3
My Room 3 enthusiasts have embraced their learning and physical activities. They have learnt about the sun, moon and stars and we have been amazed with Gods plan of creation. God has been strategic in measurement and distance in His design as well his expression of beauty and splendour.
Basketball has been an exciting challenge this term. It has bought out their competitiveness, strengths and weaknesses. Building confidence takes practice and what a way to teach the students about our school values during the game. The students are learning that the goal is to play as a team, not to hog the ball and just score goals. When they went in with the spirit of team players, much to their delight, scores were made. Research has proven that learning to socialise with values breeds success in all areas of life.
Another highlight is celebrating the language weeks of each culture. This instills identity as language, cultural food, song and dance is reinforced. It is beautiful to watch each cultural dance and song, performed and sung by our students with pride.
I hope you all enjoy time with your whanau. These years are precious with your children.
Ms Bella
- Room 3
Room 2
What a busy term, it has passed so quickly. Room 2 has really enjoyed the different language weeks with members of our class in the Cook Island and Tongan cultural groups that performed in the special assemblies. We also had Maori students participating in the group leading the assembly in week 9, hosted by our student, Izzy, who did an amazing job. They have been learning phrases in the different languages and learnt a Maori action song and performed it very successfully. We have worked with room 4 students to make pompoms and help them with some maths.
We have joined with room 1 for PE and played ball games against them and completed some colourful visual art making silhouettes with black paper over a coloured tissue background. Alex from Mitey joined us for an afternoon and worked with us. She demonstrated how we can experience a range of emotions during the same day. Devotion has studied Jesus and the different names he has, and some of the miracles he performed. We are aiming to be like “listener number 4” who hears the word of God, believes it and shares it with others rather than “listener number 1” who hears the word of God then does the wrong thing. We need to read our bible and pray everyday to help us with achieving this.
Maths has seen us calculating perimeter, area and volume as well as learning to tell the time under the topic of Measurement this term. We measured items in the classroom including ourselves. Writing has seen us look at biographies and essay writing with steps of: brainstorming, writing a draft, proofreading and then writing the final copy. In reading we have looked a variety of articles, stories and poems.
I wish all of room 2 a safe and restful holiday. Recharge your batteries as we have lots of work planned for Term 4.
God Bless to all students and their Whanau. See you in Term 4.
Ms Weightman
Room 1
This term has flown by very quickly with a lot of learning around the language weeks of Cook Island, Tongan and Te Reo Maori. In music we have continued on with learning more about the piano and reading music notation and playing new songs. At the start of the term we had a successful trip to the food expo where the students got to taste different ethnic foods. In Food tech with Mrs Selupe the students have explored cooking delicious Mexican dishes every Wednesday at Bader Intermediate. Our focus around literacy has been letter writing, particularly persuasive writing to share each student’s opinions and ideas around different topics.Through reading our students have enjoyed our rotations of different activities that allows them to build their skills around reading. Our Maths focus has been on measurement and using our knowledge to solve different maths word problems around multiplication and division. We are looking forward to Term 4 and are praying for better weather to spend some time outside and being active in the Sun. We are also looking forward to welcoming Mr Avi who will be joining us in room 1 next term for 5 weeks.
Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori
The theme for Te Wiki o te Reo Maori was Kia Kaha te Reo Maori (make the language stronger). Like any language week that we celebrate at Rise Up, we want our children and staff to learn about the culture and to experience a part of the culture that they may not normally experience.
For the previous five weeks, Whaea Celia had been teaching each class their item that they would perform at our assembly during Te Wiki o te Reo Maori. Our children were able to have a turn using Poi and Rakau as well as learning new waiata. It is always exciting to watch our children learning new skills and songs and trying something new.
Our Te Wiki o te Reo Maori started with our whole school devotion led by Whaea Celia on Monday. On Tuesday we had Kiwi Icon Dress Up day. This was a chance for our children and staff to dress up as someone that resembled a Kiwi or New Zealand icon. We had Kate Sheppard, Dame Whina Cooper, One NZ Warrior players, All Black stars, Farmers and even Sir Edmund Hillary. The highlight of our day was having a Catwalk/Parade for all our classes to showcase all their awesome costumes. Even the staff walked the catwalk and we also had prizes for the Best Dressed Junior Girl and Boy, Senior Girl and Boy and also Staff Member.
- Best Dressed Kiwi Icons
- Ruma Tahi
- Ruma Rua
- Ruma Toru
- Ruma Wha
- Ruma Rima
Thursday was the day of our assembly, our school shared lunch and our afternoon sports day. Our assembly this year was hosted and run by a number of our Maori students.
Having our children represent who they are and being able to lead in front of their peers, helps to build leadership and confidence. Each class presented their item – Room 5 did an action song, Room 4 did a Poi song and an action song, Room 3 performed a song using Rakau and Room 1 and 2 combined to sing two songs. We ended the assembly by singing Pepeha (by Six60). After our assembly, each class went back to their classroom to enjoy their Maori Lunch and Pudding which was provided by Isabelle and Eli Macgregor’s Papa and Nana.
We feasted on boil up – which included meat, potatoes, silverbeet and watercress and was finished by steam pudding and fruit salad – Yum yum.
To end our Thursday, we had an afternoon of Team Sports. Each child was spilt into their house group and the Juniors played a simplified version of softball and our seniors played tag. It was a great way to finish off such an amazing week. A huge thank you to all those who played a part in making Te Wiki o te Reo Maori such a success – Tau ke!
- MacYork Te Reo Maori Catering Team
- Ms Weightman
Tongan Language Week – Uike Kātoanga’i ‘o e Lea Faka-Tonga
Malo lelei
This year we celebrated Tongan Language week with a Red Day on Wednesday 6th Sep, the children went all out wearing some ma’alahi Red outfits. On Friday 8th September we celebrated with a School Assembly where the Tongan group were able to showcase what they have worked hard towards over 2 months of after school practices. We had a lot of students who it was their first time performing a Tongan Faiva, we are so proud of them all and it was amazing seeing the new Tongan families and community come out in full force to support their Tamaiiki. I would like to acknowledge Ms Heidi Weightman who took the extra time out of her busy schedule and sewed all our girls dresses, and lastly Fotui Malelei who we are very blessed to have as our Tongan Culture Tutor who made all our girls Kahoa’s, and accessories. Fotui’s craft is one that our children can learn a lot from.
Malo Aupito.
- Room 5
- Room 4
- Room 3
- Room 2
- Room 1
Clifford and Hope come to visit
Our last day of school ended with a visit from Clifford and Hope who are two lambs that Aria and her family are taking care of. Our children were startled to hear the sounds of lambs bleating on the deck and once assembly finished they came around the corner to find two lambs munching on the grass.
Amelia (Aria’s mum) allowed our children to pat the lambs and to even walk them around on their leads. It was a great way to end Term 3 by allowing our children to experience lambs up close. Thank you Aria and Amelia for sharing your pets with our school.
- Hometime for the lambs
Writing by 3 of our Students; Hannah Muelu, Jeronyy Otto & Lazarys Sofele-Sinisa
Whanau Notices
Good To Go Volunteer Arm
Thank you to all our volunteers this term! The term has gone by so quickly but it has been the busiest term for our language weeks. Faafetai tele lava to our tutors – Teingoa Turaki (Cook Island), Fotui Malelei (Tongan), Whaea Celia (Maori) who went above and beyond with extra practices, supervision and costume making. MEITAKI MAATA!
A HUGE pakipaki and special thank you to our York Whanau who fed the whole school including the teachers with delicious kai and pudding during Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori. Nga mihi nui kia koutou katoa.
If you have not started your volunteer hours yet or are needing hours to complete your 40hr obligation then join us at our working bee:
– First week of Term 4 – Saturday 14th October.
We are needing VOLUNTEERS to do a big SPRING CLEAN of our classrooms and to spruce up our gardens.
UNFORTUNATELY for health & safety reasons NO CHILDREN ALLOWED onsite.
After School Programme
IMPORTANT NOTICE : The After School Programme will start on the first week of Term 4 – opening with Fijian Language Week Monday 9th October followed by Niuean Language week in week 2.
Our SUPA programme will need full attendance on Mondays from Rooms 1,2 & 3 as they prepare for their End of Year Showcase on Monday 4th December at Bader Intermediate (4.30pm start).
If your child turns 6 years old during Term 4 we would like them to join our CULTURE programme on Tuesdays from 3.15pm-4.15pm. We are fortunate to have 4 classes – Tongan, Cook Island, Niuean & Samoan with our own whanau stepping in as tutors. We are currently still looking for a Maori tutor and would appreciate it if any of our whanau would be willing to tutor this class. Expressions of interest can be sent to [email protected]
I Know Who I Am
Synergy Presentation Night 6th September
Every time we listen and watch our children present their ‘I Know Who I Am’ presentations we are always encouraged and thankful for the love of God in our lives. Graceson Faga, Levi Lemalu, Chapman Matamu, Hannah & Tana Muelu and Arden Arama we are so proud of you all. Thank you for all the effort and practice you had put into your presentations. It takes a lot of courage to share all about your God given identity to an audience. Thank you Rona & Mark Faga, Rups & Eseta Matamu, Bob & Emma Lemalu, Jazmin Aiavao, Sam & Rhona Dean Muelu for the commitment to Synergy. Thank you to your extended whanau, grandparents, aunties and uncles who supported our children. May God continue to bless you all.
Psalm 139: 14
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
- Arden Arama
- Chapman Matamu
- Graceson Faga
- Levi Lemalu
- Hannah Muelu
- Ionatana Muelu
We are NOW taking Enrolments for students turning 5 in 2024 or other students in different year levels. Our waiting list is growing so get in quick!
PROV-TECH Automotive
If your car needs some work done or a service please check out
Mary and her whanau make the heartiest burgers and delicious meals like; surf n turf, ribs etc found here too! 60 Vine Street Mangere.
She and her team create the most stunning pieces and are available to order. You’ll be the talk of the town when you wear one of her numbers.
*Whanau if you own a small business that you would like us to post up on our newsletters please email [email protected]
HANDYMAN Repairs – Contact Vinnie 021495123
SIGNAGE – WE CAN PRINT & DESIGN • Custom board displays • Banners • Flags Email us: [email protected]
FACE PAINTING – Enchanted Business is run by Misti, one of our RUA Mums and her work is incredible! So if you’re looking for an amazing trustworthy face painter for an upcoming event you can reach her on Facebook or [email protected]
Correct School Uniform in Term 4 & Water Bottles
It is important that our students take pride in their appearance. Please ensure your child wears the correct school uniform each day to school. As it is term 4 all students are to wear the summer uniform however if it is still cold they may wear long pants. HATS ARE COMPULSORY in TERM 4.
You can purchase polo shirts and polar fleece jerseys from the school office. All polos are $41.00 and jerseys Size 6-16 $48.00 for Adult S-XL is $52.00 (no hoodies or printed jerseys to be worn at school) Your child can wear the summer uniform: polo and black shorts.
Rise UP Academy 12 3021 0016910 00 Ref: Childs name Code: Uniform Pref: polo or jersey e.g. Ref: SaaneH Code: Uniform Pref: sz14polo
Labelled water bottles are recommended at school as this allows our students to have these accessible in the classroom and it doesn’t disrupt their learning by leaving to go outdoors.
Please support us by encouraging your child to wear the correct school uniform and bringing a labelled water bottle to school.
- Term 4 Uniform – Hats are compulsory
- Labelled water bottles
At Rise UP we consider your child’s safety our first priority therefore we ask that you adhere to the rules we alongside Sir Douglas Bader Intermediate have put in place. We have had a few close calls which is too many for our liking. We would like to ask that if you see any of our Rise UP parents/ caregivers parking where they shouldn’t be please kindly ask them to move along. We thank you for your cooperation.
Devotion topic: Jesus, Hero of the Faith (New Testament)
Scripture for the term:
John 12: 44- 46 “If you trust me, you are trusting not only me, but also God who sent me. For when you see me, you are seeing the one who sent me. I have come as a light to shine in the dark world, so those who put their trust in me will no longer remain in the dark”.
Scripture for the week: John 3:16
“For God so loved the world, He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life”.
Learning Intention: We are learning to be like Jesus.
Success criteria:
To believe what the Bible says
Thank Jesus for what He did on the cross
To help others around us
Prayer requests:
– Excellent READING programmes
– Whanau support for READING.
– Staff & student well-being for full attendance,
– BLC- Funding applications
Why Jesus Came? Devotion presentation by Eli and Isabelle Macgregor
We know that God is always good and always right. When he made us, he wanted us to always be good and always do what is right. But in the Bible it says that we all fall short, which means that we make mistakes and do things that are wrong. These wrong things are called SIN. When we do wrong things or sin, God is not happy with us, the same way that when we do things that are wrong, our parents and teachers are not happy with us.
So before Jesus came, everytime you did something wrong, you had to give an offering to God. Can you imagine every time you said something that was wrong or treated someone badly, you had to offer something to God? We would probably end up giving lots of things away.
God decided that he needed one offering that would cover all the wrong things and sins that anyone would ever do. That one offering was Jesus. So he sent Jesus down to earth to show us how we should live. To show us how we should love God and love others. He also came to save us from all the wrong things that we will do so we could always have a way to God.