Principal’s Message
“Tena koutou katoa parents, caregivers, and friends of the school. Just like that we’re heading for Week 7 at and we have had a fruitful term thus far.
I am pleased to see how well our senior students have settled into their new routines and am encouraged by their determination to make this SHAKE DOWN season a good start to the year and to do well.
We celebrated our 10th year RISE UP ACADEMY ANNIVERSARY during week two and what a blessed reminder of the GOODNESS of God. Thank you to everyone who supported us with volunteering on this day. It’s no easy feat to walk and supervise 90 plus students to the park and swimming pools. Once again WHANAU ENGAGEMENT creates a Synergy which our tamariki benefit from every time you reach out to help us at school. Ka Rawe e RUA! ”
We welcomed our new staff member JOHN OFANOA – Room 1 to our kura during our powhiri held on our first day of the term, led by Isabelle Macgregor.
- Powhiri
- Haka
- Mrs Selupe – welcome
- Our new whanau
- Mr Ofanoa speaking on behalf of our new whanau
- Mr Ofanoa and 2 of his children
Mr Ofanoa has settled in really well into room one with high expectations that students are setting the pace for the rest of our school behaviour and learning expectations.Congratulations and thanksgiving are in order for the newest addition Baby Ofanoa who arrived on Friday during the Parent partnership hui. We will make contact with you to reschedule room 1 for dates to meet during week 7.
I am excited about the number of new whanau attending the first Hearts & Minds programme for 2024. We just manage to fit into the room 1 space each week and the enthusiasm, commitment and laughs are really going to help our RUA waka go faster in achieving our goals for the next two years.
Our Strategic plan for 2024-2025 is now set, please have a look and feel free to contact our staff if you have any patai/questions.
With all the changes implemented by the new government we invite you to continue to pray for our school vision, plans and well-being for the year ahead. I look forward to teaching our tamariki this year and another year of the favour of the Lord.
Nga mihi nui
Sita Selupe MNZM
The Calendar
Recent Events
Rise UP Academy’s 10 Year Birthday Party!
On Wednesday 7th February 2024 Rise UP celebrated its 10th Birthday. A vision that came to fruition in 2014; with the obedient heart and hands of our principal Sita Selupe, her whanau and close friends but most importantly with God’s favour. This has enabled us to have the freedom to serve our God and teach His word within our classroom walls and local curriculum.
Our 2024 Rise Up whanau and akonga celebrated 10 years of goodness; starting with Whole School devotion and a walk down memory lane. Our whole school then walked some more; over to our new and improved David Lange Park. The cheers and laughter of our tamariki echoed
through Mangere as they relished the freedom and good company of their peers. We then proceeded to our local pools Moana Nui-a-Kiwa Pool & Leisure Centre. It was a great time to embrace the hustle and bustle of our colourful Mangere and furthermore stop traffic with their princess and gentleman manners and beaming angelic smiles!There was no time wasted and our children were able to enjoy the outdoor pools exclusively for the day. They were treated to delectable burgers, cake and a special treat and visit from the legendary Mr Whippy! The 10 year birthday celebration was enjoyed by all who attended and who have been part of this God-filled journey.
We would like to extend our gratitude to our parents and whanau who offered their time and energy to supervise, cook and swim with our tamariki. Those hours are duly noted by Ms Grace for your volunteer aroha. As we tarry and toil for another 10 years; we will continue to nurture our young Sharp Minds, Strong Bodies and Good Hearts.
Ngā mihi nui ki a koe
Mrs Faga, Ms Grace & Whaea Cecelia
Parent Partnership Meeting (PPM)
Week five, Term 1 ended with our Parent Partnership Meetings. This is a dedicated time of partnering up with whanau, tamariki and kaiako to plan and work
collaboratively to sharpen the minds of our akonga. We also celebrate what they have enjoyed about their kura and learning journey thus far.
Rise Up learner’s worked industriously throughout the week to co-construct their Learning and Personal Goals with their kaiako; as well as the next steps to achieving these goals.
The PPM’s included the opportunity to share the Curriculum levels for Reading, Writing and Math for the student and the expected curriculum levels that can be worked on together to achieve by the end of the year.
Our attendance for PPM’s for Term 1, 2024 are listed below:
Room 1 – All Rescheduled
We had 100% attendance for our 65 students who had booked meetings and the rest are reschedules. We encourage our whanau to touch base with your child’s teacher to book in a time before the end of Week 8.
“Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken” (Ecclesiastes 4:12)
Thank you once again for your mahi and support whanau. Let us continue to strengthen the cord of three for the betterment of our tamariki.
Nga Mihi,
Mrs Faga
Whanau Notices
2024 Rise UP Calendar
We are already halfway through Term One and our children are enjoying the new learning in their classes. So how can YOU help your child to succeed?
Our 2024 Hearts and Minds Calendar has helpful reminders and tips about understanding your child and how YOU can help your child to grow, to feel loved and expand their thinking.
For a special price of only $20.00 you can have monthly reminders of the tools that you have learnt as part of our Hearts and Minds programme.
Email: [email protected] or text 022 461 0144 with your name, address and contact phone number.
Payments to be made Online at
Rise UP Trust
Please put your name as the reference and once payment has been received then your calendar will be delivered.
Hearts & Minds
Praise God for old and new whanau added to our Rise Up Trust and Rise Up Academy communities. Tino pai to mahi to all our 22 participants! As you start to
apply the Learning Styles, Love Languages and Personalities Styles in your homes this coming week, you will bear much fruit for your commitment thus far. The next few sessions we will dive into problem solving skills and culture and education.It is a privilege and joy to share these sets of tools with our community as we build and work in partnership for the best education outcome for our Tamariki. Term 2 Hearts and Minds starts on Thursday 9 th April for our new whanau. Those who wish to do a refresher you are most welcome.
Nga mihi nui
After School Programme Notices
Welcome back whanau. We are pleased to see majority of our children return to the After School Programme this term. Reminder the after school programme is compulsory for all our children and is a privilege and comes at no cost for our whanau. Please advise if your child/ren cannot attend the programme due to other extra-curricular activities eg sports training, music lessons etc
AFS Programme:
Mondays – SUPA modules – Dance, Siva Samoa & Guitar
Modules are available for students in rooms 1,2 & 3
Tuesdays – Culture & Heritage – language classes for all children 6yrs +
Introducing our tutors this year:
Matua Edward Te Rure (Darla-May’s dad) – Maori Tutor
Fakaosita’u Peauafi (Hadassah & Ulaiasi’s dad) – Niuean Tutor
Teingoa Turaki (Rongo’s dad) – Cook Island Tutor
Fotui Malelei (Petuliki & Toakase’s mum) – Tongan Tutor
Sarah Pula (Julia’s mum) – Samoan Tutor
Please communicate any absences or early departure to Ms Grace 0224610144
Good To Go Volunteer Arm
Swimming Volunteers NEEDED.
Parents if you are free between 11.30am-2.30pm on a Monday for the rest of Term 1 then we NEED you to help with supervising our children in the water.
Our swimming lessons start with supervision in the pool before their actual lesson starts then supervision when our children go to changing rooms.
Best option is to meet us at the pools during this time.
Please let me know if you are available
Ms Grace 0224610144
PATH – Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope
It has been a HUGE BLESSING to be part of your PATH PLAN/SETTING GOAL for this year and so far we have had whanau come in, meet online or fill out independent Path Plans from home. Overall it has been an honour to be part of, to share, support or even talanoa of what works best for your whanau.
We are almost booked out for the term with only a few spaces available for our whanau left to book. Please keep in mind it is always difficult to re-schedule as we come closer to the end of the term but early notice of a change in circumstance always helps.
So far from our 67 whanau. We have 22 who have completed their PATH, 28 booked in for this term, 9 independent whanau who are yet to hand in their PATH plans and 8 outstanding to book a time. Congratulations WHANAU ENGAGEMENT on point!
We look forward to encouraging, empowering and supporting ALL our whanau with their goals.
Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care is available within our School for Tamariki who are going through grief/loss, behaviour/learning issues, or would like support with wellbeing- parents can request for pastoral care, one of our Building Learning Communities staff will pray with, worship and converse with your child to help them in circumstances where support is needed.
Te Rua Awhi Whanau
Project Wy
Synergy – I Know Who I Am!
This seven week whanau programme explores purpose, cultural identity, family values, personalities and talents. Your child will discover who they are, where they come from and why they are here. At the end of this programme there will be a Presentation Night where each child will showcase what they have learnt about themselves over the last seven weeks.
To register your child, contact Grace 022 461 0144
We have a Waiting List!!! For our whanau who have children turning five this year or next year please complete an enrolment form online.
Uniform & New Price
It has come to our attention that there has been a slip in uniform standard. Please ensure your child/ren wears the correct school uniform and if they do not have the correct jersey they may wear a plain black jersey. Hats are compulsory for Terms 1 and 4.
After 10 years of our polo’s being the same price we are raising our price slightly (just like our provider). Our jerseys remain the same sz 6-14 $48.00 and sz S – L $52.00
Polo Shirts: $ 43.00 (was $41)
It has come to our attention that there are a few students at school who have had Strep throat or gastro so if your child has any of these symptoms please get them seen by a Doctor or take the correct precautions in caring for your child.
Strep Throat Symptoms: a sore throat, chills, fever and swollen lymph nodes in the neck
Gastro Bug Symptoms: stomach cramps, vomiting, stomach pain and runny poos (diarrhoea) and can last up to 10 days.
Meningococcal disease is a dangerous illness that can kill or cause serious disability. The best way to protect against the disease is to be vaccinated with both the MenB and the MenACWY vaccines.
Take care RUA Whanau especially with the cooler Autumn days here!
Car park
Please DO NOT park inside the school car park as it is shared with Sir Douglas Bader Intermediate. This is a STAFF ONLY only car park. Unless you have a disabled parking permit you may be asked to remove your car by the SDBI Staff.
PROV-TECH Automotive
If your car needs some work done or a service please check out
Mary and her whanau make the heartiest burgers and delicious meals like; surf n turf, ribs etc found here too! 60 Vine Street Mangere.
She and her team create the most stunning pieces and are available to order. You’ll be the talk of the town when you wear one of her numbers.
*Whanau if you own a small business that you would like us to post up on our newsletters please email [email protected]
Whanau devotions:
Devotion topic: Sharp Minds, Strong Bodies, Good Hearts
Scripture for the term: Luke 10:27
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and love your neighbor as yourself”.
Scripture for the week: Week 6: Matthew 6.3 “But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing”.
Learning Intention: We are learning to give to the needy without boasting.
Success Criteria:
To be grateful for what we have
To be a blessing unto others.
Prayer Requests:
● Student/Staff well being and full attendance
● Funding applications
● Year 8 High Schools
● Excellent Curriculum Programmes
Our tamariki are learning to “care for their minds, hearts and minds”. God teaches us
through scripture and parables about how we can care and use our body parts to love
and serve others and ourselves. We have also studied the SMARTS and multiple
intelligences. “It is not how smart you are but how you are smart” (Margaret
Underwood). Knowing our multiple intelligences/gifts and talents we are ready to love
and serve others this year!
Here are some video/photo highlights from Devotions.
1. Karlos Moki – sharing the Lord’s Prayer in Whole School Devotion (Spirit Smart
Week 6)
2. Chapman and Karlos retelling the story of the good samaritan (Good Heart Week 5)
3. Room 3 – sharing their multiple intelligences (Week 4)