Principal’s Message

Fakaalofa lahi atu,

Term 2 has been another season of touch downs, trials and triumphs- Praise the Lord. Our tamariki have enjoyed making connections between the characters of different prayer warriors, i.e David, Esther, Daniel, and Nehemiah.
Our teachers have worked hard on the Inquiry topic looking at Stewardship and sustainability. Please join us by encouraging our tamariki to continue being RUA Waste Warriors at home with recycling, reusing and repurposing waste items.
It has been a busy term as our staff sailed through the term as we prepared for the Education Review office visit, our Rise UP Trust AGM and mid-year assessments. The AGM report celebrates the year ending 2023 , another year of the favour of the Lord.
Congratulations to all the whanau who participated in the Synergy programme. We absolutely love watching and nurturing our students personalities, gifts and talents in sharing their culture and heritage. It truly is a learning experience you will treasure for a lifetime.
The government has priorities regarding structured literacy and regular attendance. RUA had 54% regular attendance in Term 1 so we are aiming for 60% regular attendance in Term 3 and 70% by Term 4. Please support our targets by having a wonderful break with your children and include some reading mileage and extra long sleeps for brain power and fortified immunity as we hit the cold months.

Fakaaue lahi, Iehova vaha loto.

Sita Selupe MNZM

The Calendar

Recent Events

Term 2: In the Classroom

Room 5

Term 2 started with some of the new students in our class. Everyone came back fresh from the holiday and very excited to meet each other. In the first week, we talked about ANZAC Day. In our shared reading we read the poem about the ‘Red Poppy’ and the Big Book about the ‘Dawn Parade’. It was an interesting learning experiment where the students got more understanding of the red poppy and why it is an important symbol of ANZAC Day. Some of the students decided to demonstrate their experiment using toys which revealed their understanding of the soldiers and what they did during the war. Students are unique in their own ways of learning. They learned through reading, drawing, sharing stories and putting their imagination through different experiments.

Structure Literacy was introduced in our class. Students enjoyed doing fun activities in groups where they learned letter sounds, blending and decoding letters to say words.

Term 2 has been busy with lots of activities. As our children value the hard work of their mothers, they decided to write stories and made cards for Mothers Day. We had the opportunity to read our cards about our mothers at our whole school assembly. Students learned to build their confidence to present and perform in front of many people.

On the pink day, we had a school celebration of Anti-bullying. Students learned that bullying is not love. They were reminded of the school values and vision of Good heart and respect for others.

One of our highlights was Samoan language week celebration. Students enjoyed learning Samoan languages through conversations, songs, dances and watching stories. We also performed at the Samoan language week assembly in which we showcase what we learned in class.

Our babies are precious and amazing. I am looking forward to working alongside them in their learning journey.

Faamanuia le Atua i le fanau – Room 5

Faafetai, Mrs Partsch

Room 4

Room four have engaged in an action packed term; filled with our bright Pink Day, Samoan Language Week and Inquiry expert visits.

Akonga have delved into their Inquiry learning applying the Tiaki concept of caring, conserving and protecting their school and environment.

Expert visitor Sara Lelei from Zero Waste Minimalisation shared her knowledge about the importance of the 3 R’s- Reduce Reuse Recycle. Thank you Mrs Godinet for organising!

Ruma Wha understand the impact of their decisions on our Marine life, oceans, landfills and environment.

They have written speeches persuading their peers and whanau to join their quest in creating a cleaner plastic free environment.

Their speeches are recorded and shared directly onto ClassDojo; in the hope to encourage others.

Akonga have worked industriously learning new knowledge, vocabulary and decoding strategies through our Structured Literacy programme.

We encourage all tamariki to maintain this learning and continue this to an even higher level in Term three.

We wish all our whanau a safe and well rested holiday.

Many blessings,

Mrs Faga & Mrs Govender

Room 3

Term 2 started out in good form and refreshed from a holiday.
We have been covering recycling and waste management and learning why and where to separate rubbish and the importance of recycling. Making my students aware of a clean green image of New Zealand and the responsibility we all have in sustaining that is a constant reminder to all of us. Our writing genre this term has been persuasive speech and I have been integrating that into their Inquiry lesson.

Another highlight has been Samoan Language Week. The Falelalaga Samoan group visited us for a day and showed the primitive and historical lifestyle of the villagers in Samoa. They set up rotational activities in each classroom. Our students were amazed and Room 3 took turns in grating coconut with a sharp tool as well making hot chocolate out of cocoa beans over a big wok under a gas cooker. There were games, weaving and we all marveled at how the samoan pioneers survived. These life skills have been handed down from generation to generation. I am reminded of what I will pass down to my descendants. It was beautiful to watch history unfold before the students. One of my students explained it to be the most extraordinary day of her life and another student said he was proud of having Maori and samoan ancestry.
Enjoy your time with family and friends.
Ms Bella

Room 2

The start of Term 2 was busy. Week 1 saw the Project Wy students travel to Rotorua and they had a great time. At the end of Week 2 was Mother’s Day so the class got creative making cards, bookmarks and bouquets for Mum. Week 3 was Wear PINK Day and everyone looked fabulous and the cakes were delicious. Congratulations to RUA on raising money to help with Mental Health and we are more aware of what bullying is and how to avoid it. Week 4 was a short week and we completed the GLoSS Maths tests. The class scored well in the GLoSS tests so the students should be proud of themselves.
That brings us to Week 5 which was Samoan Language week!! Talofa, Afio mai vaiaso o le Gagana Samoa. What a fantastic week was had by all, learning Samoan greetings and the amazing Falelalaga team that showed us about Samoan Culture. The students were dressed beautifully each day in an array of colourful outfits and the Samoan Culture group did an outstanding effort of Devotion, Assembly and parade. That was the end of the first half of the term.
The second half of the term started with King’s Birthday weekend and a visit to MOTAT in week 6 for a fun and interesting day of learning. Students were fascinated with the old dial telephones. We completed our PM reading tests and all the class improved by one level and half the class improved by two levels. Well done everyone for all your hard work. Week 7 was the Narrative Writing Assessment and some wonderful and some scary stories were produced by the students. The majority of the girls in the class represented RUA in the Netball Tournament where they played well and had a great time. Week 8 was a bit calmer with 3 students out for the Hauora Inclusive Education Trip where the students completed a range of activities.
Week 9 we had ERO in the school and the class did very well keeping noise levels down as the meetings were held in the Whanau room right by Room 2. Week 9 was also Matariki and we completed lots of activities about the Matariki stars and what they represent. The week finished with many of the class attending the AGM on Thursday evening with their families and singing like angels in the choir with a public holiday on the Friday. Finally, we made it to Week 10. Reports were completed ready to go home on the last day of Term. Our Inquiry Speeches were finished, presented to the class and recorded then posted in Class Dojo. The class completed the end-of-term e-asttle reading and maths and I will compare the results with the end of Term 1 and can discuss at the PPM’s next Term. A busy Term completed.
Our topics this term have included Narrative and Persuasive Writing and a focus on Geometry in Maths. Our Inquiry is all about Sustainability and Stewardship of our local environment and looking into recycling with a speech done by most of the class. The students who were at school in the last couple of days in the term have recorded their speeches and they can be viewed on Class Dojo. Well done everyone in Room 2, we are halfway through the year. Have a great holiday and start Term 3 refreshed and ready to learn for the second half of the year. Remember to T.H.I.N.K before you speak !! (Is it True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary and Kind).
God Bless, take care of yourself and your whanau for the holiday, see you Monday 22 July for Term 3.
Ms Weightman

Room 1

Talofa lava,

We are now at the end of Term 2 and WOW has the year gone by quickly. This term we have been looking at Sustainability and have been deep diving into ways that effective reducing, reusing and recycling can help our local community and RUA waste warriors. Students looked at the impact of pollution around the world, in our community and how using the different council bins can effectively help keep our homes and school clean. The knowledge learnt hopefully helps us be good RUA citizens. A highlight in Room 1 has been the excellent writing pieces that have been produced. This has ranged from narratives which were a focus for us early on in the term and persuasive writing pieces where students got to argue the importance of recycling and reusing. Year 8 students have been fortunate to continue Food tech lessons with Mrs Selupe where they not only have been able to cook delicious food but have been immersed in the importance of nutrition.

MOTAT was a highlight this term. We got to participate in a STEM program which involved us completing a design process to address needs within the community. This trip involved a lot of critical thinking and Room 1 excelled in this challenge. We later used this design process in class to create models to help keep RUA clean and green.

Wednesday P.E. with Room 2 has seen our class explore the different skills needed in sports. Our focus has been Netball and Rugby skills. We are looking forward to next term’s P.E. focus and hopefully will get the opportunity to put forward a sports team in the near future.

It has been a busy term but by the grace of God we have made it to the end. It’s always a privilege to serve this community and I look forward to Term 3.

God Bless you all. See you in Term 2.
Mr ‘Ofanoa

Whanau Programme & Notices


Wednesday 3rd July, the Mangere Arts Centre buzzed with glee and joy as our Rise Up Community came together to celebrate the learning of 5 families. Congratulations to Duisoksoko whanau, Faleta whanau, Aue-Taufelila whanau, Semeatu whanau and Matamaki whanau for the completion of Synergy Programme Term 2 2024! In the past 6 weeks our whanau have been on a journey of “I know who I am” project. Each child showed who they are in Christ, who they are in their family and community through their values, personality,gifts and talents and their culture. Praise God for his Holy Spirit helping our children to be confident and courageous performing in front of a big audience. We are so very proud of your work and effort. Fakaue lahi, vinaka levu, meitaki and fa’afetai lava to all our participating whanau.


Every year at our AGM we are able to show our whanau and community the amazing things that have happened throughout the previous year at Rise Up Academy and Trust. When we look back and see all the learning, experiences and opportunities that happened, we are so grateful to God for his continued favour over us. 2023 was a year filled with celebrations, saying goodbye, trying new things and continuing to help our children and families succeed in all that they do. Our programmes through the Rise Up Trust continue to provide support, understanding and assistance to all our families and the many various activities at school help our children discover new and different ways of learning.
We were blessed once again to have our Rise Up Academy choir perform and we were in awe of their beautiful singing and the soloists that performed were fantastic. We are thankful for all the hard work from our very talented Choir Tutors – Nainz, Beks and Viliami Tupa’i. As a school we are blessed to have such talented people use their gifts to encourage our children to be confident, sing proudly and perform boldly.
These meetings are a great way of understanding what we do and why we do it. It is also a chance for our families, staff, Board of Trustees and community to come together and interact with each other. Thank you to the families that were able to attend and who came to support their children as they performed. We look forward to our AGM next year!


At Rise UP Academy, our approach to cellphones and other personal digital devices supports student engagement and achievement. Personal digital devices include cellphone’s, which we manage according to government regulations, and other devices such as laptops, tablets, and smartwatches. Devices that are part of a school-approved Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) programme have separate conditions for use.

Rise UP Academy does not recommend that students bring personal digital devices to school.

Cellphone regulations

To comply with government regulations, we ensure students do not use cellphones during school hours, including break times. Parents/Caregivers can request an exemption from the school if required. We allow exemptions for students to use cellphones if they are required for:

  • a specific educational purpose approved by a teacher
  • health needs (e.g. to monitor insulin levels)
  • disability or learning support needs
  • a special circumstance approved by the principal.

If a parent or caregiver needs to contact their child during school hours, they should call the office. Students should not use smartwatches for communication during school hours.

Rules about cellphones and other personal digital devices made by the board are a school bylaw. The board consults with the school community when making or amending bylaws. We discuss school rules about personal digital devices at the beginning of the year, and throughout the year as needed.

Device requirements at school

The school promotes safe and responsible use of digital technology. Students are required to comply with our digital technology policies and procedures if devices are brought to school. See Digital Technology and Online Safety.

If students bring personal digital devices (including cellphones) to school, the following requirements apply:

  • Students are not allowed to take devices on EOTC events.
  • Students must turn their devices off and keep them out of sight during school hours.
  • If devices are used for a learning activity, this must be approved and supervised by teaching staff.

Inappropriate use

Inappropriate use of a personal digital device may include:

  • using a device when not allowed
  • any sort of bullying, including online bullying
  • sending or sharing inappropriate content
  • taking photos or videos of other people without their permission.

Inappropriate use of a personal digital device is managed according to the relevant school policy or procedure:

  • Behaviour Management
  • Responding to Digital Incidents
  • Surrender and Retention of Personal Digital Devices

If a student uses a personal digital device inappropriately (including using a cellphone when it is not allowed) the student must hand it to a staff member immediately when asked. If possible, the student should lock their device before handing it to staff. The device will be kept in the office and can be collected by the student at the end of the day.


Another term of great tenacity and creativity from our tamariki via the after school programme’s SUPA and Culture & Heritage sessions.
Reminder whanau we have our SUPA Showcase Monday 26th August at 6.30pm at the Mangere Arts Centre. Children will be sent home at 3pm on this day and need to be at the Arts Centre at 5.30pm for a quick run through of their items. They will be dressed in black tshirts and black bottoms (shorts, pants, tights) as well as have cultural attire for their Siva Samoa component (class). If you have any questions please email [email protected].
During the holidays our children will need to practice their pieces daily in order to retain the information and showcase the best of their ability.
Here is a list of links for their pieces:

Boogie Wonderland

M.C. Hammer


Musika Malie – Pacific Soul 


For our whanau who have children turning five next year please complete an enrolment form. We have spaces available for next year’s enrolment, so please let your whanau know. Please fill in an online form from our website


As of next week our office will be open for uniform sales 8.30-9.15am on Thursdays only.


A gentle reminder to our whanau that the Car park is for Sir Douglas Bader Intermediate and Rise UP Staff ONLY – there are 2 car parks at the end marked for mobility card users only (must be displayed). Please use the off street parking and if you need to supervise your child walking up to the school gate then please walk them as there have been a few near misses and also SDBI car parks taken by our whanau.


PROV-TECH Automotive  

If your car needs some work done or a service please check out


Mary and her whanau make the heartiest burgers and delicious meals like; surf n turf, ribs etc found here too! 60 Vine Street Mangere.


She and her team create the most stunning pieces and are available to order. You’ll be the talk of the town when you wear one of her numbers.

*Whanau if you own a small business that you would like us to post up on our newsletters please email [email protected] 


Devotion topic: Prayer Warriors of the Bible
Prayer Warrior of the Week: Nehemiah
Scripture for the week: Nehemiah 1:11
“O Lord, please hear my prayer! Listen to the prayers of those of us who delight in honouring
you. Please grant me success today by making the king favourable to me. Put into his heart
to be kind to me”.

Learning Intention: We are learning how to pray like Nehemiah
Success Criteria:
1. Repent in prayer like Nehemiah did for his nation.
2. Pray for Others
3. The Lord’s prayer

Prayer Requests:
Student/Staff well being and full attendance
Funding applications
Year 8 High Schools
Health: Sickness

Our akonga from Year 0 to Year 8 know and can say the Lord’s Prayer! We pray this is
engraved in their hearts for eternity. This term it has been such a blessing for our staff to see
prayer warriors pray in full faith in Assembly, in class and with their buddies. Akonga have also
written prayers for nations, communities, families and themselves. Thank you parents for
modeling and praying with your children. Rise Up Academy; continue to pray as Jesus taught
us over the holiday break; early in the morning, privately in your room and at night time too.
Pray for anything and everything anytime anywhere! Exercise your faith muscle by praying with
and for others. We thank God for the freedom to pray!

Next term our Devotion Topic is ‘God the Gracious Gardener’, we encourage all students to
bring their bibles from home for their Devotion study.

Praise be to God for answered prayer